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Pool.Bitcoin.com Calculator

Estimate the Return on a
Pool.Bitcoin.com Contract

$ USD       $ USD

BTC ($0.00) per day
Current Daily Return includes fee*:

1 = $ USD
% avg. difficulty increase **
% daily chg. BTC vs USD


Plan cost: 0 BTC
0 BTC ($0 USD)
0 BTC (0% ROI)
$0 USD (0% ROI)

1 BTC = $ USD
at end of plan

* The Pool.Bitcoin.com website uses the term "includes fee" to mean that the fee has already been subtracted from the displayed Current Daily Return value. In other words, the Current Daily Return displayed is the net earnings after fees.

** The BCH chain moved to a smoother difficulty adjustment algorithm in November of 2017. However difficulty increase will still have an effect on pool return approximated by the BTC difficulty adjustment algorithm; so the same difficulty code is still used for each chain.

Daily Breakdown

Day #: Earned BTC - Fee in BTC = Daily BTC added => Running total