Orca Search 2.0 rc1 available!

Sep 7, 2005

Now available for download, the first release candidate of the Orca Search 2.0! Get it now from the Orca Scripts page!

Well, after much toil and time, the search script is finally nearing final 2.0 release. I remember announcing the script's imminent release almost a year ago, and you can still find it archived in the Webslavent. :) Boy, that was a laugh.

Since then it's gone through a complete recode; the first version needed to be dumped after so many wrong turns. This new version has turned out a hundred times better than that one, so I'm very glad I did!

There are a few beta installations floating about already if you'd like a look see. ElectricFreedom.org is using it here, for example.

This script has so many great features that it's hard to pick a few to relate here, but I can try anyway:

- It spiders automatically - It can output an offline javascript version of itself - It can output a Google Sitemap of your site - It caches search queries for lightning speed - It allows direct editing of indexed details with a super-powerful list-GUI - It gives you powerful spider-control options, even running by cron-tab - It gives you a detailed, dynamically sortable Query Log so you can see exactly which terms are popular and when - Much, much more...

If you're looking for a site-search script that's easy to set up and virtually maintains itself, the Orca Search may be the script for you! All that needs to be done now is work out the last few bugs and set up the script for translation. Without any major problems, the final release should be available shortly.

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